Fruit Avocado Benefits For Skin Beauty

Fruit Avocado Benefits For Skin Beauty

Avocados are now available in the market or supermarket fruit. Along with being a great fruit to consume, this fruit can also be used to increase the beauty of your skin. Some people may not know how on how to prepare an avocado mask to the face. You can read this article to get some tips on avocado concoction.

This fruit is one of the healthy fruit that is not only beneficial after consumption, with a face pack made ​​of avocado would definitely get rid of acne, skin peeling, dry skin, acne, oily skin, etc.
Any kind of skin problems can be eliminated with avocado concoction below :

Honey and avocado

To make herb face this package, you should take 1 ripe avocado and peel all the skin. You can use a tablespoon to take this ripe avocado in a bowl. and add a tablespoon of honey in the avocado is ripe. Now mix the two materials. Apply this mixture on your face and leave for 10 minutes. After this period expires, you can easily wash your face with cold water assistance. Rich source of vitamin E in the natural skin moisturizing avocado and honey will make your face perfectly

Kiwi and avocado 

To face this package you need two ripe avocados. Of course you have to peel the fruit's skin and make it smooth collision. You can use a fork or mixer to make it smooth like a paste. Now, you have to take a ripe kiwi and put it in a bowl where the avocado is placed. You can use a spoon to cut the kiwifruit. Use a spoon to mix both ripe fruit and create a smooth paste. Now you can easily apply this paste on your face and keep it for a period of 10 minutes. You can use warm water to wash the mask off your face. herb facial is a wonderful source of Vitamin E and Vitamin C which helps in removing oxidants from your skin layer.

Lemon and Avocado  

The combination of these two is very fitting, which is useful for smoothing lemon and avocado skin as a moisturizer, how mashed avocado peeled until smooth and mix with a squeeze of lemon juice, mix well. and apply this mixture to the face evenly in all parts of your skin. Wait for 10 minutes to be completely dry. and rinse with water until clean. 


3 Responses to "Fruit Avocado Benefits For Skin Beauty"

  1. wuih ,, artikelnya bermanfaat banget nih :D
    makasih yaa gan atas infonya :D

  2. thank you already for the launch of this interesting article I read :)


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