Sehat-bo.blogspot.com_Nasal congestion can be quite annoying. In addition to feel uncomfortable, stuffy nose also makes us trouble breathing. As a result, we often feel dizzy and did not fit. Well, here are some natural ways to relieve nasal congestion, as reported by Boldsky. Let's look together!
Warm water bath
Warm bath can help overcome the problem of nasal congestion. Of water vapor can pass through the nose and melegakannya.
Sangat penting untuk menjaga tubuh tetap terhidrasi sepanjang waktu. Hal
ini secara tidak langsung dapat meringankan saluran hidung yang
teriritasi dan mencegah penyumbatan sinus. Anda bisa minum air hangat
untuk mengeluarkan racun dari tubuh dan melegakan hidung tersumbat.
The position of the head while sleeping
Elevate your head with extra pillows to help him. This will allow the trapped mucus in the nose to get out. In addition, it is also quite effective to make your sleep time is not compromised because of difficulty breathing.
Warm orange drink
The best way to prevent nasal congestion is to drink warm lemon water. This healthy drink also helps you maintain immunity. Especially if added with honey.
spicy food
Consuming hot foods is the best way to relieve nasal congestion. Spicy taste of the food will make mucus to flow out by itself.
This is the best way to soothe the inflammation and allow you to breathe easily, when you have problems of your nasal congestion. Take a bowl of boiling water and kurungi your head with a towel so that the steam directly inhaled into the nose and the face. It can drain the mucus and toxins from your body.
herbal tea
Herbal tea is the safest drug to overcome nasal congestion. Vapors given off by the plants will help soothe irritation in the nasal passages. Herbal tea is also used to thin mucus and nasal drainage repair.
Eucalyptus oil
Ini adalah salah satu obat herbal yang baik untuk hidung tersumbat.
Tuang beberapa tetes minyak kayu putih ke dalam baskom berisi air
mendidih dan hirup uap air itu selama 10 menit. Hidung akan kembali lega
dan tak tersumbat.
chicken soup
Chicken soup is an excellent remedy for nasal congestion. Supa bowl of warm chicken is the best way to open a clogged nose. It contains cysteine, which relieve blockages in the nose and release mucus, which in turn opens the blockage in the nose.
Gargling with salt
Enter the salt into the warm water. Stir until dissolved. Rinse several times with the solution. This is the best way to drain the mucus and unclog your nose.
This was the way to overcome blocked nose may be useful
thanks is information
BalasHapusThanks Gan walah Share It: D
BalasHapusVery stony jaadi know to deal with it: D
Nice Post !.
BalasHapusI Like It :D
Mantab gan infonya
BalasHapuswalah cocok nih
BalasHapusudah ane coba it work 100%
mantab gan. besok lanjutkan kalo rejeki tersumbat ya
BalasHapusPerlu translate nihh.. bacanya hehe
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