Cloverleaf benefits to health_ Assalamualaikum, how are you friends sharing?, This time I will share a little about medicinal plants. What is it? Yapp, according to the title in this post, the name of the plant is clover (Hydrocotyle sibthorpiodes). Want to know more about this plant?, Nah .. mending directly read
Clover is a bunch of nail water (Salviniales) of the genus Marsilea which in Indonesian is easily found in the rice field irrigation channels or edges.
Typical morphology of this genus of plants, because of the shape that resembles an umbrella entalnya composed of four leaflets opposite. Due to the shape of its leaves, the name "clover" is used for several dicotyledonous plant species that get a structure similar to the leaves, such as Klover. Substances contained therein are volatile oil, saponin, tannin substances. All members heterospor: having two different types of sexual spores.
The leaves of this plant (usually M. crenata) commonly used as a food ingredient known as pecel clover, typical of Surabaya area. Spore storage organs (called sporokarp) M. drummondii also used by indigenous Australians (aborigines) as a food ingredient. M. crenata clover is known to contain phytoestrogens (plant estrogens) that could potentially prevent osteoporosis. This plant also has potential as bioremediation plants, because it can absorb heavy metals Cd and Pb. This capability needs to watch the cloverleaf use as a food ingredient, especially when the leaves are taken from heavy metal contaminated land.
Benefits leaf clover
- Shortness of breath (asthma): Take 10-15 grams of fresh clover herb boiled or ground, grab the water. Then drink.
- Urinary tract stones: 30-60 grams of fresh clover herbs, then boiled, drinking.
- Urinating less smoothly: Take 30 grams of fresh clover herb boiled, then add 30 grams sugar, stir and drink.
- Sore throat: Take 30-60 grams of fresh clover herb boiled, add a little salt, stir well and drink; or it could be pounded, juice, drink water.
- Jaundice: Take 30-60 grams of fresh clover herb plus water and as much taste sticky rice wine, then steamed, eat 2x a day, for 3-5 days.
- Tonsils: used as a mouthwash.
Well, it turns out many of the benefits of this clover daus. Okay, so maybe this time first of my posts above hopefully be useful, Wassalamualaikum .
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