24 Benefits of Papaya for health_ Papaya (Carica papaya L.), or betik fruit is a herbaceous plant of the family Caricaceae originating from southern Mexico, Central America, and the West Indies even region of Costa Rica. Some opinions say papaya was first cultivated in Mexico. This plant is widely grown in the lowlands up to 1,000 meters above sea level, especially in the fertile area. C. papaya is the only type in the genus Carica
Substances in papaya: enzyme papain, alkaloids Karpaina, pseudo Karpaina, glikosid, karposid, saponins, beta-carotene, pectin, D-galactose, l-arabinose, papain, papain papayotimin, vitokinose, cacirin glucoside, karpain, papain, kemokapain, lysozyme , lipase, glutamine, siklotransferase.
Substances in papaya: enzyme papain, alkaloids Karpaina, pseudo Karpaina, glikosid, karposid, saponins, beta-carotene, pectin, D-galactose, l-arabinose, papain, papain papayotimin, vitokinose, cacirin glucoside, karpain, papain, kemokapain, lysozyme , lipase, glutamine, siklotransferase.
Papaya Plant Type
Papaya Crops In point pages Information Technology (warintek) Ministry of Research and Technology (Research and Technology) mentioned there are 3 kinds of papaya, namely:
- Papaya males. This papaya tree has a long-stemmed flowers and compound branching. The first flowers are at the base of the stalk. The characteristics of the male flowers are white / rundimeter ovaries that were not headed, perfectly arranged stamens
- Papaya females. Papaya has a compound interest means on one flower stalk there is some interest. Very short stalk flowers and female flowers are small and large. Great interest will be the fruit. Will have a perfect fruit, but do not have stamens, usually continue to bloom throughout the year.
- Perfect Papaya. Has a perfect flower arrangement, ovaries and stamens can be self-pollinating, it can be planted alone. There are 3 types of papaya is perfect, namely: 1) have a certain type of thread will extract 5 and round fruit; 2) have a certain type of thread 10 and will fruit juice oval; 3) have a certain type of thread cider 2-10 and shrunken ovaries. Perfect Papaya has two classes: First, the papaya can be flowering and fruiting throughout the year. Second, seasonal fruit papaya.
Utilizing Papaya Medicinal Plants For Family
Maintenance is relatively easy papaya quickly once harvested (age 9-12 months). Papaya fruit in addition to easy to find and planted, the fruit is known world health is also rich in benefits. Therefore, the fruit is well suited for medicinal plant collection. As ever published by the Research and Technology Warintek sourced from WWII LIPI (Centre for Documentation and Scientific Information - Indonesian Institute of Sciences), the following are some of the health benefits of papaya fruit for the healing of disease or the media:Benefits of Papaya For Health and Disease :
- The skin blistered by the heat. Toreh papaya fruit skin, sap capacity and apply, let sit day and night. If the blister is rather broad, and Parutlah papaya flesh attached.
- Malaria and fever. Mashed papaya leaves up into half a glass, add water 3/4 cup and salt, squeeze, strain. Drink 3 times a day; do 5 days in a row.
- Bitten by a venomous snake. 5 fingers papaya roots, wash, mash until smooth, paste on the affected side, bandaged. Replace 2 meals a day.
- Gray. (a) Gongseng 30 papaya seeds, crushed into powder, mix with 1 tablespoon of coconut oil, rub it on the scalp is gray; (b) Drying 2 tablespoons dry papaya seeds, roasted until charred, crushed into powder, mix a little coconut oil, stir well. Apply on the scalp that has been washed. Use before bed.
- Roundworms. (a) 2 tablespoons of papaya seeds, finely milled, brewed with 1/2 cup hot water, add 1 tablespoon of honey and drink it hot. (b) 2 tablespoons of papaya seeds, crushed, pour 1/2 cup water, give 1 tablespoon of honey. Drink while warm once a day.
- Jengkolan (constipation from overeating jengkol). (a) Half tankai papaya leaves, 10 leaves and 6 sprigs beans cassava leaves are washed, mash until smooth, add 1/2 cup cooking water, squeeze, add 1 tablespoon of honey, squeeze, strain. Drink 1-2 times a day. (b) 1/2 papaya leaf stalks, leaves 10 long beans, cassava petiole 6n washed, crushed, give half a glass of boiled water, wring it out. Give 1 tablespoon of honey before drinking. Drink 2 times a day.
- Irregular bowel movements, Ulcer, Thrush, and constipation. Eating fresh papaya fruit 3 times a day.
- Stimulates appetite. Papaya leaf washed, crushed, with salt and a little water as much as 1/4 cup, squeeze. Drinking water as well.
- Flu. Wash 2-3 papaya leaves, crushed, squeezed, with salt. Drink 2 times a day for the kids, and 4 times a day for adults.
- Prevent puerperal fever. Papaya leaf washed, sliced, boiled with palm sugar and a glass of water until the water half. Drink at once immediately after delivery for 2 days in a row
- Diuretic and remove kidney stones. 3 finger roots of papaya cut into pieces, boiled with 4 cups of water until the water half, let cool, strain. Drink 3 times a day @ 3/4 cup. Be given a spoonful of honey.
- Hypertension. Grate a young papaya, squeeze. Drinking water 2 times a day. Do it for 3 days.
- Whitish. Papaya leaf washed, thinly sliced, give 50 grams of roots of the weeds were clean, pulasari, boiled with 1.5 liters of water, bring to a boil, strain. Drink once a day @ glass.
- Diarrhea. Drain handful of papaya seeds, finely crushed. Like brewing tea makers. Drink 3 times a day @ 1 cup.
- Acne. Drying 2-3 papaya leaves are old, pulverized with a given water, wring it out. Apply the juice on the acne.
- Staged menstruation. 2 papaya leaves are washed, finely ground with a given 1/4 cup water, wring it out, give salt. Drink at once one time a day.
- Smooth milk. Some papaya leaves are washed, did on the fire. Warm placed around the breast.
- Poisonous insect bites. 5 fingers papaya roots are washed, crushed. Stick it on the sick, bandaged and bandages.
- Burns. The papaya fruit is washed, scratched out so sap. Apply sap on the wound.
- Issue a broken glass. Some papaya leaves are washed, crushed, give salt. Apply on the affected skin broken glass, wrap. Broken glass will come out and the wound will dry up.
- Warts. Apply papaya latex on the skin once every 3 hours.
- Minor injuries. Apply papaya latex on the skin once every 3 hours
- Cracked heels. Young papaya latex rubbed into cracked heels, let the fourth hour, then wash. Do it once a day.
- Toothache. Papaya sap dripped into aching tooth with the help of cotton.
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