14 Health Benefits of Pure Water For Body

Benefits of White Water. On this sunny morning I want to discuss the water we drink is often a day - day Drink is one of the most vital requirements for human life. The human body consists of water containing 90%. Functions of water in the body plays an important role in the process of digestion, absorption, transport of nutrients, circulation, excrete metabolic waste, saliva production, and maintain body temperature. That is why humans can survive for more if there is no food intake but not if the water shortage.

14 Health Benefits of Pure Water For Body
Air putih merupakan minuman segar yang sangat menyehatkan bagi seluruh anggota tubuh. Apabila tubuh kekurangan cairan dalam jangka waktu yang relatif lama. Haus merupakan respon tubuh yang membutuhkan asupan cairan dalam waktu cepat. Seluruh organ tubuh pada manusia membutuhkan cairan atau air dalam jumlah cukup yang berguna untuk menunjang berbagai aktivitas yang sedang dilakukan. Apa saja manfaat air putih?

White Water Benefits

  1. Streamlining the Digestive System
    If the fluid in the body needs are met, it will avoid constipation because of fluid in the digestive process but it can help the absorption of nutrients that also serves to form a mass of human waste.
  2. Being Younger
    White water is able to make our skin becomes fresher and looks fitter every day. So it looks always looks more youthful and avoid dull skin.
  3. Preventing Heart Disease
    According to a study presented by the American Journal of Epidemiology, people who are used to drinking water to more than 5 cups per day experienced a 41 percent reduced risk of heart disease.
  4. Issuing Toxins In The Body
    By consuming water as needed by the body per day, then the toxins contained in the body will be excreted through urine and sweat. This is certainly not going to happen as lack of fluids.
  5. Lymphatic System Balancing
    When the lymph system to work optimally, the body has the power to fight infection or too much thyroid infection which can disturb the health of your body. 
  6. Keeping Body Weight
    Having an ideal body weight is the dream of every person. For those who want to adjust the proportional weight, then start to get enough water intake. 
  7. Preventing Kidney Stones Disease
    Kidney stones are caused by salt and salt dissolve in water according to the theory. With sufficient water in the body needs, the body kidney stones will dissolve and come out with urine. 
  8. keeping Mood
    Someone who is dehydrated will experience headaches, fatigue, mood was deteriorating, difficulty in concentrating. Thus it was, drinking enough water is very beneficial to prevent worsening mood. 
  9. Keeping Keberishan Nor Dental and Oral Health
    In the oral cavity there whose name saliva that serves as a self cleansing. By consuming water intake per day is enough to maintain the production of saliva, thus exposed to at least reduce the risk of oral disease. 
  10. Reduces Pain Cramps and Sprains
    Proper hydration can help keep joints and muscles for lubricated, so it tends not easy to hit by cramps and sprains, especially while exercising. 
  11. Streamlining Toilet
    A person who is experiencing constipation or difficult bowel movements are encouraged to drink water that is intended to help smooth the bowel movement. 
  12. Headache as Drugs
    Drinking water can help relieve headaches caused by dehydration. Although many headache headache is a major factor because they are due to dehydration. 
  13. Reducing Risk of Cancer
    Related to the digestive system, some studies show the drinking water can reduce the risk of bladder cancer and colon cancer. Water can melt the concentration of cancer-causing genes in the urine and can also shorten the time of the virus in contact with the bladder lining
  14. Think Better
    Our brain is mostly made up of water, so drinking water can help thinking better, more alert and more concentrated
The review was 14 benefits of water for your health .. may be useful        


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