10 Food Powerful, strong teeth until the old order

10 Food Powerful, strong teeth until the old order

My friend on the night of his teeth want durable right.? - Maintaining strong and healthy teeth is not enough just to diligently kalsium.Karena supplements, not just calcium is needed in order to gear sehat.Diperlukan other nutrients and vitamins to get the gear that is not easily perforated and keropos.Pakar Diabetes Diet & Sunita Pathania and Nutrisionist Priya Kathpal suggest what foods are good for your teeth, as quoted from the Health Me Up.

Apple fruit

Apples are often touted as a tooth brush alami.Buah crisp and fresh acid helps stimulate the gums, increase saliva production in the mouth and prevent the formation of cavities and cleanses the surface gigi.Satu hours after dinner, try chewing the apples to help clean up parts of the tooth that is not affordable only by brushing. 

fruit Celery 

This crunchy vegetables can be consumed to keep oral bacteria remain in the number minimal.Selagi chew raw celery, saliva production will increase and it can prevent the formation plak.Makanlah raw celery sticks at least once a week to clean the teeth naturally. 

White water 

Water helps cleanse the mouth at once remove toxins in the body which can cause damage gigi.Minum enough water will keep you hydrated gums and clean the leftover food emergency gigi.Minumlah at least two glasses of water after a meal (not sweet tea, fruit juice or ice) to maintain dental health 


If you want healthy teeth and strong, diligent eating keju.Kafein contained in cheese helps strengthen and protect the outer layer of your teeth tend gigi.Jika susceptible to cavities or porous, chew a bit of cheese as a snack to prevent 


Cocoa beans are rich in substances that help reduce inflammation in the gums, as well as preventing erosion and tooth berlubang.Minumlah email hot chocolate when you feel stressed and tired because pekerjaan.Selain better mood, even teeth sehat.Tapi remember, not too much added sugar or milk to drink your chocolate. 


Kiwi is a good source of vitamin C. Vitamin C baik.Jumlah enough in the body to maintain collagen network in gusi.Kolagen prevent gums from infection, accelerate healing of canker sores and strengthen the gums to prevent gum disease and mouth.


Eat it, probably will make your mouth smells somewhat sedap.Tapi when eaten raw, very good benefits for the health of teeth and mulut.Bawang bombay naturally cleanse the body and mouth by eliminating harmful bacteria that can damage gigi.Anda could eat it with a salad or sandwich meat content. 

Sugar Free Gum 

If you are accustomed to eating candy or mint sweet after a meal, try to replace the rubber gula.Permen free gum can stimulate saliva in the mouth of the mechanisms that maintain order not to damage the teeth and does not smell. 

Sesame seeds 

Sesame is rich in calcium, which certainly helps keep your teeth healthy and it kuat.Selain, sesame seeds can eliminate the newly formed plaque on tooth enamel 


Fruits are high in fiber are generally good for dental health and mulut.Karena take a long time to chew, and chew it makes the body produce more banyak.Sehingga saliva helps neutralize acids that can damage gigi.Makan pears each day, and your teeth will be stronger have. 

We are sorry if there are words that are less obvious or can not be understood
because I was in the circumstances to learn .. thanks for kunjunganya

4 Responses to "10 Food Powerful, strong teeth until the old order"

  1. oh my god this great articles,,thanks u so much... PAKDE...:v

  2. yeah, i always eat apple and drink mineral water :)
    thanks for share :D

  3. Sugar Free Gum one of my favorite way :)

  4. thanks your puclish yor artikel :)


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